Есе "За" та "Проти"

Use the plan below to write a for-and-against essay (at least 100 words) about whether schoolchildren should use e-books at school lessons.
  1. State the topic.
  2. Point for schoolchildren using e-books at their lessons.
  3. Point against schoolchildren using e-books at their lessons.
  4. Sum up the advantages and disadvantages.

Приклад написання есе "За" та "Проти":

   We live in the age of technologies and something is constantly being invented or upgraded. All of such inventions are made in the way to make our lives easier and more comfortable. Just fifty years ago people did not have computers, smartphones or ebooks. Ebooks can definitely help us with education. So why not use them at school classes? I guess we should.

   I would say an ebook has quite a lot of advantages. First of all, it is light in comparison to five-six thick paper books that students carry in their bags every day. You can use an ebook everywhere, even on the bus. Furthermore, it is much easier to find information you need. Another advantage is that it is cheaper to buy an ebook rather than buy paper books all the time.

   On the other hand, like any other thing in the world, ebooks have their drawbacks as well. Nothing is perfect in this world. In the first place, they can affect our eyesight in a bad way. It is quite dangerous, especially for children. However, scientists say that if you spend enough time in fresh air, you will not have any issues with your eyes. What is more, ebooks may distract children from education as there are also games and even wifi connection there.

   To my mind, there still are more pros than cons, so, all things considered, it would be a wise decision to use ebooks at schools. As was previously stated, nothing is ideal. We just need to find the right balance and make an optimal choice.

Есе написане моїм студентом Миколою Артищуком (з незначними правками), якому дякую за згоду на публікацію.

  1. В письмовій роботі студент виконує всі умови завдання: зазначає тему есе, вказує на аргументи за (it is light, you can use an ebook everywhere, it is much easier to find information you need, it is cheaper) та проти (they can affect our eyesight in a bad way, ebooks may distract children from education) використання електронних книг, а також підсумовує свої аргументи в останньому абзаці (To my mind, there still are more pros than cons, so, all things considered).
  2. Лист має відповідну структуру: поділений на абзаци, має логічний вступ та підсумок, а також обраний правильний стиль написання (офіційний).
  3. Студент використовує достатньо сполучників, вставних слів (first of all, furthermore, on the other hand, to my mind, however, all things considered, in the first place...)
  4. Лист багатий на різні граматичні конструкції. Вжито Passive, Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Simple, modal verbs. Виражено умовність за допомогою would.
  5. Лексичних та граматичних помилок немає.
  6. Умова кількості слів виконана.

  1. Напишіть список аргументів, які хочете навести за та проти перед початком роботи над есе.
  2. Кожен аргумент повинен мати пояснення чому Ви так вважаєте. Зверніть увагу, що кожен абзац повинен мати більше одного речення!
  3. Не використовуйте неофіційний стиль (скорочення, фразові дієслова, сленг та ін.), а так не використовуйте надто сильну лексику (I firmly believe...)
  4. Якщо можливо, використайте цитату, пов’язану з темою завдання.
  5. Розпочинайте кожне речення з речення-підсумку, яке висвітлюватиме тему цілого абзацу.

Корисні фрази для написання есе:

To express opinion
I believe
In my opinion
I think
In my view
I strongly believe
The way I see it
It seems to me (that)
To list points:
In the first place
first of all
to start with
to begin with
to add more points:
what is more
another major reason
in addition to this-tat
apart from this
not to mention the fact that
to introduce a contrasting viewpoint
it is argued that
people argue that
opponents of this view say
there are people who oppose
contrary to what most people believe
as opposed to the above ideas
to introduce examples:
for example, for instance, such as, in particular, especially
to conclude: to sum up, all in all, all things considered, taking everything into account
In spite of, In other words, In any case, In fact, As a result, Besides, According to, In addition, Finally, Anyway
Introduction (paragraph 1):
(state the topic and your opinion clearly)
To begin with, ...
Main body (paragraph 2):
Viewpoint 1 and reason, example
I agree/disagree with...
I don’t support the idea of…
I doubt…
As for me,...
On the one hand/On the other hand,...

(paragraph 3)
Viewpoint 2 and reason, example

(paragraph 4)
opposing viewpoint and reason, example
At the same time…
On the other hand,…
What is more, ...
(final paragraph - summarise, restate opinion)
In conclusion,...
To sum up,...
To summarize,...