
Write a letter of application. In your letter write about:
- why you are writing
- your personal qualities, language skills and experience with children
- why you think this work experience would be important for your future
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.
Приклад написання офіційного листа
Dear Mr. Griffin,
I am writing to file my application for a job in London Summer School. I found out about it in a newspaper and I would really like to have a chance to work there.
I am in my last year of school and my English is fluent as I have been studying it for over 6 years. I am always calm and I enjoy working with children. Every summer I take part in a camp for children at our school. We play different games and teach English there. Children are always glad to work with me. This year we do not organize any camps at our place, therefore I will be fully available as well as committed throughout the whole August.
In my opinion, I would perfectly suit this job. Firstly, I have good command of English. Secondly, I really love spending time with children, especially doing different outdoor activities. I believe that this experience will be important for my future, as I will be able to see not only the camp at your school but also a city and country that are new for me. Moreover, I am always fond of getting to know other people, exploring other cultures and learning further foreign languages. In such a way, I guess, I will be able to create my own camp for children from different countries.
You could reach me at thomas.foster@gmail.com or per phone (+38067 67 56 45). I looking forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours sincerely,
- В письмовій роботі студент виконує всі умови завдання: зазначає причину написання листа, вказує свій досвід роботи з дітьми (Every summer I take part in a camp for children at our school), рівень англійської мови (My English is fluent, I have good command of English) та особисті якості (I am always calm).
- Лист має відповідну структуру: поділений на абзаци, має логічний вступ та закінчення, привітання та прощання, а також обраний правильний стиль написання (офіційний).
- Студент використовує достатньо сполучників, вставних слів (as, therefore, in my opinion, I guess, firstly, secondly, as well as, moreover)
- Лист багатий на різні граматичні конструкції. Вжито Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple. Виражено умовність за допомогою would.
- Лексичних та граматичних помилок немає.
- Умова кількості слів виконана.
Характерними ознаками офіційного листа є:
- Привітання (Dear Mr./Ms. Spence, Dear Sir/Madam)
- Використання пасивних конструкцій
- Офіційний стиль (без скорочень, абревіатур, фразових дієслів та сленгу)
- Закінчення (Yours sincerely (коли відомо до кого пишемо), Yours faithfully (коли не відомо до кого пишемо))
Корисні фрази для написання офіційного листа:
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for contacting us.
I am writing with regard to ...
I am writing to inquire about…
It is with great pleasure that I am writing to …
I apologize for not getting in contact with you before now.
I am writing with regard to…
In reply to your email, here are…
We would like to point out that…
Could you please give me some information about…
I would like to know…
I am interested in…
I would be grateful if you could…
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
I look forward to receiving the information.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Should you need any more information, feel free to contact me any time.
I will contact you again shortly.
Yours sincerely + full name (коли вказуємо прізвище у привітанні)
Kind regards + first name (semi-formal - менш офіційний стиль)